Japanese Language School Association
(JaLSA) 会員



◆寮費(Dorm fee)

   ¥20,000円~30,000円/月(光熱費、上下水道別途)(Utilities not included)
1. 寮費・光熱費について
   (Dorm fee is ¥20,000~¥30,000/a month. Utilities must be paid separately.)
2. 入寮は必須ではありません。
   (It is not necessary to live in the school dorm.)
3. 入学時の寮費は3~5ヶ月分です。それ以降は毎月請求いたします。
   (You're required to pay 3~5 months dorm fee in advance. We charge the dorm fee every month after that.)
4. 入寮費用内訳は以下の通りです。 (Please check table below.)
   ⒶUR 寮 ¥30,000/月 Ⓑサンシャイン寮 ¥20,000/月
    (ⒶUR Dorm : ¥30,000/a month ⒷSUNSHINE Dorm : ¥20,000/a month)

寮費3~5ヶ月分 (Dorm fee 3~5 months)  Ⓐ¥90,000/Ⓑ¥100,000 
 入寮費 (Dorm Maintenance fee) ¥20,000 
 国民健康保険料 (National Health insurance) ¥20,000 
 ※保証金 (Security Deposit) Ⓐ¥30,000/Ⓑ¥20,000 
 合計 (Total) Ⓐ Ⓑ¥160,000  

    (We will keep one month's dorm fee as a security deposit. The money will be used to restore your room to its original condition after you move out, and it may be refunded depending on the situation at the time you move out.)

サンシャイン寮(SUNSHINE Dormitory)


UR寮(UR Dormitory)
